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Home > HDPE Blog > What Are the Applications of HDPE Drainage Pipes In Siphon Drainage?



What Are the Applications of HDPE Drainage Pipes In Siphon Drainage?


HDPE drainage pipes are relatively light in weight, have better corrosion resistance than steel pipes and cast iron pipes, and are less likely to breed microorganisms. What are its applications in siphon drainage?


1. HDPE drainage pipe rainwater is flexibly distributed on the roof, which can better adapt to the artistic shape of modern buildings and easily meet the drainage of rainwater on irregular roofs.

2. A single barrel has a large drainage volume and few roof openings, which reduces the probability of roof leakage and roof waterproofing pressure.

3. Siphon drainage speeds up drainage, reduces the number and diameter of downpipes, and meets the aesthetic requirements of modern buildings and the rainwater drainage requirements of large landmark buildings, various long-span roofs, and high-rise buildings.

4. The HDPE drainage pipe system has strong protection and the pipe direction can be set as needed. Without affecting the building functions and space, it can meet the rainwater drainage requirements of modern large shopping malls, factories, warehouses and various grid structure metal roofs.

5. Under the design flow rate of the HDPE drainage pipe, there is no air vortex in the entire pipe flow in the system, with high drainage efficiency and low noise, which can better meet the acoustic requirements of modern cinemas, theaters, conferences, and libraries.

6. The pipeline design meets the requirements of both positive pressure and negative pressure, which can ensure that the pipelines of high-rise buildings and water-filled high-rise buildings can pass testing and acceptance, avoid negative pressure loss control, and ensure the normal operation of the system.

7. Due to the small pipe diameter and small total length, the system is simple to install, reducing pipe costs and installation costs, and there are no special requirements for pipe installation.


HDPE drainage pipes should be handled carefully and arranged neatly. Do not throw or drag them along the ground. Hope the above content is helpful to you.

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